direct: 415.735.5713
email: dsilveira@kbkllp.com
Georgetown University (B.S., cum laude, 2004)
University of Washington School of Law (J.D., cum laude, 2010, Executive Managing Editor, Washington Law Review)
Northern, Eastern, and Central Districts of California (federal)
Dara Levinson Silveira’s practice focuses on complex bankruptcy litigation, including preference and fraudulent transfer adversary proceedings. Ms. Silveira also has significant experience with business litigation outside of the insolvency context, and has represented plaintiffs and defendants across various industries in state and federal courts. She also has represented various constituencies, including debtors, lenders, creditors, and creditors’ committees, in corporate restructuring and reorganization and other insolvency-related matters.
Keller Benvenutti Kim LLP
(2016 – 2022)
Jones Day
(2010 – 2016)
Judicial Extern,
Honorable Philip H. Brandt,
U.S. Bankruptcy Court,
Western District of Washington
Keller Benvenutti Kim LLP
Senior Counsel
Keller Benvenutti Kim LLP
(2024 - Present)
sPEAKING & WRITING engagements
American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, "I can See Clear(l)y Now: SubV Filings Following § 523(a)'s Application to Corporate Debtors (February 2025)" - Link
Turnaround Management Association, "Subchapter V: What Comes Next for Small Business Reorganizations" (November 2024) - Palo Alto, California
Bay Area Bankruptcy Forum, "Litigation Funding and Bankruptcy: Finding Value in Your No-Asset Case and More" (September 2024) - San Francisco, California
National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, Annual Conference, "Thinking Practically About Nondischargeability in Subchapter V" (August 2024) - Nashville, Tennessee
American Bankruptcy Institute, Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference, "Subchapter V Issues" (June 2024) - Vail, Colorado
Bay Area Bankruptcy Judges' Conference, "Impaired Colleague? Addressing Attorney Competency, the Warning Signs, and Getting Help" (Producer) (January 2024) - San Francisco, California
Bay Area Bankruptcy Judges' Conference, "A Fireside Chat About the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel" (Moderator) (January 2023) - San Francisco, California
American Bankruptcy Institute, "Diversity and Inclusion Working Group Introduction to Bankruptcy Law" (November 2022) - Webinar
organizations & groups
Chair (Northern California Network), International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation
Member, Bench-Bar Liaison Committee
Director, Episcopal Community Services
representative engagements
McConnell v. Grewal, et al., Bankr. C.D. Cal. (2022-present) – special litigation counsel for Chapter 7 Trustee in clawback litigation.
Anthony S. Levandowski, Bankr. N.D. Cal (2019-present) – lead debtor's counsel in complex business dispute involving Google LLC and Uber Technologies.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Bankr. N.D. Cal. (2019-present) – co-counsel for debtors in chapter 11 case of $71 billion public utility employing over 24,000 employees and servicing 16 million customers.
XS Ranch VI, LP, Bankr. N.D. Cal. (2017-2019) – represented claimant in two-day trial, resulting in award of full claim with interest and attorneys' fees.
New Cal-Neva Lodge, LLC, Bankr. D. Nev. (2016-2018) – debtor’s counsel for historic casino and resort in chapter 11 case involving sale of resort and confirmation of plan.
Delivery Agent, Inc. et al., Bankr. D. Del. (2016-2017) – lead counsel for e-commerce company chapter 11 case involving divestiture of one business and sale of the core business to venture lender after auction.​
* Other representations available upon request.​